Visit our location at 312 Lakeshore Unit #8 Oakville Nov 8th, 2019 to January 8th, 2020

Product Add/Edit Instructions

Instructions on Products

Editing a Product individually (or adding)
  1. On the Righthand side is the action column and are 3 dots that opens a menu. Click “Edit” (OR click big “Add Product” button at the top to add a new one)
  2. The screen will look like Shopify.  Variants etc.   Product Name & Product Type (from a drop-down list) are required.  All else is voluntary.
  3. Product picture we require (but the system doesn’t force this)
  4. SAVE (bottom of the page)
  • Editing Variants is a bit more cumbersome then Shopify.  Click edit details to update price and inventory.  Edit Options to edit the variant options. 
  • You can view what it would look like in the store by pressing the big purple button “View in Store” from the edit screen.
Note on Product Types & Collections:
  • Collections are automatically assigned based upon the product type you selected.  
  • If there is a product type or collection you feel is missing for your stuff, or a different terminology - please let me know.
  • The product types can be a bit more granular and the collections a bit wider.  This is to help sales staff identify your product when searching with the sweet spot of scrolling collections to products.
Adding Products en masse 
  1. Click and then do “More Actions” at top of the screen.  Add a product by CSV.
  2. Go to Method 2 and upload your CSV file (that you had previously exported from your own Shopify store - email me if you don’t know how to do that).
  3. Please note to ensure the product type is from our standard list otherwise you will be editing individually (no ability to edit en masse the product type on the screen)
Editing Products en masse
  1. Click More Actions and choose Bulk Edit
  2. Export then reimport.
  • You will have the ability to disable products available to sell without actually removing them entirely (delete will remove entirely).  
  • You can do this individually using that 3 dot Action menu 
  • You can do more than one at a time by clicking the items on the left of the Product listing and then under “Bulk Actions” check Enable/Disable/Delete.

Seller Profile and Brand Page

  • We are still figuring out how best to display the Seller Profiles and brand page.  These will come offline soon and are there as a check for the moment for us with all the product adds/changes.  
  • The seller/brand pages require more code work to adjust which takes a bit more looking into to "pretty" it up and have it look consistent.  But it's a great first step to easing things and providing your own ability to edit language etc. without a middle man.