Visit our location at 312 Lakeshore Unit #8 Oakville Nov 8th, 2019 to January 8th, 2020
To say that I love design would be an understatement. I don't just love it, I live and breathe it every day, everywhere I go, and in everything I do! I've spent over 20 years working in design television (behind the scenes, in front of the camera, and in the production office dreaming up the next big idea). And I've had my own design business for over 15 years (wow - time flies!)
On any given day, I wear a number of hats for the different jobs I do. I'm an entrepreneur, designer, writer, producer, and TV personality (I consider myself to be a designer first, and everything else flows from the creative industry that inspires me). Lucky me, I've been able to carve out a niche where I can share my work, as well as the ideas, products, and materials that inspire me.
Essentially, I believe you should live in style and love your home! If I can help you make your home environment the best it can be, I will feel proud to have done my job. Like the legendary William Morris so wisely said, "Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful".
Designer and TV Personality